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A personalized approach to stress management

Woman Sitting in Front of Macbook
Elegant Abstract Logo

The 6-week Program

stress.LESS is a 6-week program which recognizes the individuality of stress.

The program integrates humanistic psychology principles with proven tools to manage individual stressors.

Over the course of 6 weeks, identify the nature of your individual stress through personal development exercises and group discussions.

By the end of the program you will have a deeper understanding of yourself and possess a holistic personal toolkit to reduce the impact of your stressors.


Between stimulus and response there is a SPACE.

In that space is our power to choose our RESPONSE.

In our response lies our GROWTH and our FREEDOM.

Dr. Viktor Frankl

The 3 Foundations


  • Awareness of personal breathing patterns in times of stress
  • Learning a variety of breathing techniques to calm the nervous system
Breathing Human
Breathing Human


Simple Lined Circle Shape
  • Identifying areas in the body where stressful emotions can be felt
  • Incorporating physical movement to reduce stress
Religion Symbols Buddhism Patterned Yoga


  • Identifying energy resources and reducers
  • Identifying personal triggers
  • Learning to self-monitor behaviors
  • Learning a variety of mindfulness practices
man mind

A problem shared...



Simple Lined Circle Shape
  • Social support is proven to minimize the effects of stress
  • Working with others in the program can help you feel less stressed and improve your overall health.
Grayscale Photo of Curtain Wall Building

Let's do this together.


Online, Weekly on Wednesdays

19:30 - 21:00 CET

Starting January 11, 2023


+31 (6) 1131 8814
